When Should I Store Food?  
When should I store food?  My answer is "Immediately, if not sooner!!" 

The time to secure food and other necessary provisions at a reasonable price will soon be gone.   Also, a person may not realize all the effort that is involved in a food storage plan.  Begin NOW! 

Most of the good food storage companies that provide food storage packages are already backed up from two to eight months. 

The Real Food

"He that takes thought for time and takes not thought for eternity, is wise for a moment but a fool forever." 

FoodStorage? Why?  What?  When?          
Where?  How? 
Grain Grinders  FoodProducts  Water 
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Y2KPREPARE, INC.  [email protected] 
2451 W. Montrose Ave.  
Chicago, Illinois 60618  
(773) 539-1704