How Should I Store Food?
How should I store food? That
is why we have this site. You must decide what types of foods
you want to store before you decide how.
Pre-Packaged programs are best if you have
more money than time. For those who have more time than
money, they need to do a little reading if they haven't already learned
the ABCs of food storage and preparation.
However, there is now a large problem with
pre-package plans with large food storage companies.
Most of the large companies are months and months behind in delivering
orders. Do not stake your safety on getting food from
a company that takes 6 to 8 months to deliver. Yes, I
know that they are sincere, but sincerity will not feed a person.
Can I purchase food at my local grocery store?
Yes, you can and you probably should. However, most of the
products are not designed for long term storage. Canned food
generally has a shelf life (full nutritional value) of at least a year.
A person can eat canned food which has been in cans for years, but be careful
about spoilage and loss of nutritional value. A person should rotate
the canned food. Mark and date the cans and eat the oldest canned
food first as you purchase replacement canned food. Start Now.
Also, another draw
back of canned foods is the fact that you
are storing a very, very high percentage of water. This
water will require additional space and will be harder to move because
of the greatly increased weight.
You can, also, dehydrate food yourself.
Secure a good book of food dehydration and food storage.
The Real Food
"He that takes
thought for time and takes not thought for eternity, is wise for a moment
but a fool forever."
Write, e-mail, or call us:
Y2KPREPARE, INC. [email protected]
2451 W. Montrose Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60618
(773) 539-1704