Water & Food Storage
The above plastic containers are ideal for storing grains, beans, peas,
other food storage items. These container have a large screw-off
top. These containers are also excellent for water storage.
We recommend the 5 gallon container since
it is best for water or food storage. Y2kprepare also
sells larger containers - 55 gallons plastic or metal containers (see drums).
gallon containers - $5.00 each (sold in lots of 10)
4.6 gallon containers - $5.00 each (sold in lots of 10)
2.5 gallon containers - (we do not stock this container)
"He that takes thought for time
and takes not thought for eternity, is wise for a moment but a fool forever."
FoodStorage?Why? What? When?
Where? How?
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Write, e-mail, or call us:
Y2KPREPARE, INC. [email protected]
2451 W. Montrose Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60618
(773) 539-1704